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Internet Marketing Budget for 2011

There are many platforms where you can invest to reach out to your target customers. The Internet alone is thriving with lots and lots of niche platforms. So, how can you know which platform is suitable for you? iClick Media is glad to share with you the views by Brand Marketers, Agencies, Technologists & Others. …

5 tips for on-page optimisation for beginners

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably interested enough in doing on-page optimisation for your website. iClick Media Singapore have generally classify it into 5 main tips. 1) URL/File Names It is never a good idea to change your company or organisation’s domain name at this point of time. You would probably have spend alot …

What is Bing’s market share?

New York, N.Y., Jan. 12, 2011 — Experian® Hitwise®, announced today that Google accounted for 69.67 percent of all U.S. searches conducted in the four weeks ending Jan. 1, 2011. iClick Media investigates. Bing-powered search received 25.77 percent of searches for the month, with Yahoo! Search and Bing receiving 15.17 percent and 10.60 percent, respectively. …

What is the time frame to experience positive returns on PPC campaign?

We are so used to the word – Instant. Instant Coffee, Instant Noodles, Instant Soccer results via mobile and etc. We are also accustomed to instant gratification in search. We can set ads live in the morning, and within a few hours know how consumers are responding. This type of quick availability of data and …

What is a Business Blog?

A Business Blog is simply a blog, except that its content and the users are skewed towards a particular business in mind. Below are some tips on how you can manage your business blogs effectively, thereby increasing your “authority” in that industry and ultimately be rewarded with a higher page rank on Google’s Search Engine …

Anchor Text or Link Relevancy?

Have you thought about what is the difference between opting for a more “pro anchor text” strategy or one that is focused on “link relevancy”? Using the same keywords repeatedly may lead you into the Google penalty box so try to steer away from that. Instead, use a larger variety of keywords and brand building …

What is iClick Media ?

iClick Media is an Internet Marketing company specialising in Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Web Design & Web Analytics. We are the preferred choice of many organisations in varying industries for our Internet Marketing strategies and solutions. Our team has extensive experience in helping companies achieve a highly …